The work of the three ODHE Cohorts is nearly completed, and the results are wonderful! The Grant has now morphed into the Ohio Open Ed Collaborative. The completed courses can be found at
Each course can be used as a whole or taken piecemeal and used to replace or supplement course materials. Courses that are available include:
Ohio Department of Higher Education Grant - Open Educational Resources - $1.3 Million
North Central State College in partnership with The Ohio State University and Ohio Dominican University
North Central State College, in collaboration with Ohio State and Ohio Dominican Universities, will develop open educational resources (OER) and other materials with 14 other community colleges in an effort to reduce the cost of textbooks for students. Faculty teams from the participating institutions will work to create and evaluate OER materials for up to 20 courses that are among the highest enrolled courses at the colleges and offered in high schools as College Credit Plus courses and three upper level mathematics courses. OSU will share its research and evaluation strategies to enhance the project and assist community college students taking courses using OER to transition into four-year institutions. ODU will engage with Ohio’s private non-profit colleges and universities to expand the project in the mathematics areas, and OhioLINK will assist with project implementation, building on its open educations strategies and initiatives.
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