Fake news is a new topic in the national conversation, and it is one that is of the utmost importance. As more and more media is available for consumption, how do you know which articles to trust and which are fake, especially as there are a growing number of websites that purposefully create and publish fake or misleading "news"? The following articles and guides can help discern what is truthful and what is fake.
Image courtesy of Pixabay. Retrieved from https://pixabay.com/illustrations/fake-fake-news-media-laptop-1903774 June 2019.
Below is an example of a fake news story & the factual news story that it distorts.
Fact-checking sites can sometimes help us quickly recognize potential truth from potential fiction. But not all fact-checkers are equal! Some, in fact, mislead themselves. If you use one, double-check it with another if possible! Better yet, check on the data yourself.
Take a look at these three articles & take the challenge! (Each link opens in a pop-up window.) Can you spot the fake news?
Which articles are factual? And how do you know? Choose the articles below that are factual & find out!
Next: Good News?