On this page, we'll show you how to take a quick glance to know whether the site is worthy of your attention with just 3 steps!
At your first glance at a web page, look at the following:
The URL - the web address
A link for "About Us,” “FAQ,” “Mission,” “Philosophy,” “Background,” “Biography,” etc.
A link for “Updated, “Last Update,” or “Last Revised” – usually at the bottom of the page
If you can't find these 3 items or if you do & they don't measure up, don't bother to spend any more time with the information you've found!
Read More:
If your web site passes the first glance, take a second look! Answer these questions:
Who exactly is responsible for the information on the page? What are hthe author's credentials? Is this a self-proclaimed expert? Or someone with a professional background or other experience in the field?
Is it likely that I am reading quality information?
If your site & your web page have past both glances, now you can invest some time!
Look closely for the criteria we've mentioned: authority, timeliness, documentation, credibility, accuracy.
Our next step: Taking a closer look at Authority...
Just a Little Reminder: You can find almost anything on the Internet: articles, posts, blogs, reports, data charts, studies, advocacy sites, and more. These guidelines will help you navigate through any kind of information source you find in the Internet.