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Instruction Services: Mission & Staff

Instruction Librarians: Empowering students to engage critically with information & research!

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Library Mission

We, the staff of Ohio Dominican University Library, promote Information Literacy and inspire lifelong learning by providing personalized service and access to resources while addressing the research needs of the university community. (Refer to Library Mission, Vision, & Values for more information.)

Instruction Services Mission

ODU Library instruction librarians work with faculty and staff to equip students to become lifelong learners through the provision of high quality instruction to students in conducting effective & ethical resource evaluation & research and through expert guidance to faculty & staff in using research and information resources.

Instruction Services Staff

ODU Library's Instruction Services consists of 2 of our 4 full-time librarians, each of whom has a Masters in Library and Information Science (M.L.I.S.).

Meet our librarians:

Our 6-Point Instructional Focus

  • Information Creation - The publication cycle and its impact on source selection and search strategy
  • Information Ethics - The legal and ethical use of information, including such areas as respect of intellectual property rights & recognition of bias
  • Evaluation of Information & Information Sources - The critical assessment of information and sources of information 
  • Scholarship - Quality, evidence-based research and how to find, identify, and access it
  • Research - The research process, from topic identification to source selection
  • Search Strategy - Strategic selection and effective use of appropriate search tools

Our Goals


  • Students will become familiar with library facilities & services & a variety of information resources for academic & professional development
  • Students will be able to find relevant, quality information resources based on their information need
  • Students will be able to to evaluate information resources for relevancy, accuracy, authority, perspective, currency, & content
  • Students will know how to formulate successful search strategies in appropriate search tools for their information needs


  • Librarians will reach out to faculty to raise awareness & to help incorporate information literacy instruction across the disciplines
  • Librarians will provide guidance  to faculty, staff, & students "in the effective use of research and information resources"  for "effective teaching and learning," in accordance with the Higher Learning Commission's third criterion (3.d.4)
  • Librarians will collaborate with colleagues & departments to promote & integrate librarian involvement with students at various points in their academic & professional development
  • Librarians will identify student information needs & gaps in order to engage with faculty & staff to offer solutions


  • Librarians will provide learning opportunities & materials to the ODU Community in person, online, & by phone
  • Librarians will construct, maintain, & regularly review an assessment framework for student learning
  • Librarians will regularly assess services provided & needs of constituents and change/improve services as needed

Our Vision 

Our vision is to partner with faculty and staff to embed librarian resources, tools, and instruction into and across the curriculum at strategic points to have the most effective and widespread impact on student learning as possible.