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Research 101 - Finding News: Good News?

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newspaper with +truth" in headlineDo you have a trusted news source?

Do you go to just the big name news publications or news stations? Beware!
You still need to double-check the story, its content, its argumentation, & its sources.

Here are just a few reasons why:

So after having read the stories above, would you trust the Washington Post's own Fact Checker? Make sure you even check the "fact checkers!"

And it's not just content and images that can be faked or misrepresented. Videos are not immune!

Bottom Line: It's Up to You

Stop SignBottom Line: You must check the news story, its "facts," statements, arguments, & sources. Even its images, audio, & video. And check it against others! 

And always remember: News stories come out often because of something that has just happened. Something that will grab one's attention & emotions. Something about which we probably don't have all the facts, if any. That means a high potential for the inclusion of rumors, slander, mistakes, emotional bias, & other unintentional or intentional misuse of information.

Image courtesy of Pixabay. Retrieved from June 2019.