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Research 101: Finding Books & Ebooks: OhioLINK

Get the basics on books & library catalogs!

What is OhioLINK?

OhioLINK is a consortium, or group, of college and university libraries in Ohio that have come together to share resources.

As a member of OhioLINK, Ohio Dominican University Library provides students, faculty, and staff with access to:1

  • Over 46 million items, including books, DVD's, and more
  • Over 100 research databases
  • Over 24 million journal articles
  • over 100,000 e-books
  • 85,000 images, videos and sounds
  • 58,000 theses and dissertations from Ohio students

If you'd like more information, visit the OhioLINK site.


1. About OhioLINK. (2017). Retrieved December 06, 2017, from

How to Search in the OhioLINK Catalog Using Keywords

Searching in the OhioLINK catalog is easy to do, and very similar to searching the ODU Library Catalog! This video will guide you through the process of searching in OhioLINK using keywords .

A Video of an OhioLINK catalog search using keywords

Additional Help:

How to Search in the OhioLINK Catalog for a Single Item

Searching in the OhioLINK catalog is easy to do, and very similar to searching the ODU Library Catalog! This video will guide you through the process of searching in OhioLINK for a single item.

Video of OhioLINK library catalog search for single item

Take the Challenge!

How would you search for the book, A Tale of Two Cities, in the OhioLINK Catalog?

Correct! Title search is the correct method of searching in this instance because you have an exact title. It's the quickest way to find exactly what you are looking for!

Tip: When looking for a book, check to see if what you've found also has the same author and year of publication you need. Sometimes, you can find different books wit the same name or different editions!

Sorry--Wrong Answer! A keyword search is not the appropriate search option in this instance. You will want to use a title search instead, since you have an exact title.

Now do a search in the OhioLINK Catalog for Catholic and Dominican, and answer the questions below.

At the time this guide was created, the keyword search for Catholic and Dominican returned 315 results. This is displayed above the search results.

OhioLINK Library Catalog search results for the search Catholic and Dominican

You will receive an email, sent to your Ohio Dominican email address, when the item is ready to be picked up.

Most items take an average of 5-7 business days to arrive.